GMCS has partnered with Tutorfly!

Your student can receive Free on-line Tutoring by certified teachers Monday-Friday 4pm-10pm.

Tutorfly Flyer

Dear Students, Teachers, and Parents,

We are excited to announce that Gallup-McKinley has partnered with Tutorfly to provide FREE after-school tutoring for ALL students in the district! Tutorfly is a highly respected online tutoring company with years of experience guiding students to academic improvement. We look forward to the positive impact that Tutorfly tutors will make in your district.

Students can log on and meet with helpful tutors five days a week (4pm to 8pm, Monday through Friday).  Connecting is a straight-forward process; students with computers can log on through Classlink or URL: ; those without computers can call and speak to a tutor via phone at (408) 475-6568. The Tutorfly team will be happy to provide extra support as you become familiar with our system.